Coffee + registration
Collect your badge and enjoy a coffee
Welcome, Rules of Engagement
Opening commencement
Official opening of the AIMMS 2025 Festival by VU Amsterdam's Chairman of the Board Margrethe Jonkman.
AIMMS Festival: a celebration of molecular science
Whether you’re passionate about revolutionizing the future of food, accelerating drug development, safeguarding the planet for future generations or finding new talent, there’s a place for you in the AIMMS Festival.
Highlights of AIMMS projects
Kamille will speak with selected teams to showcase a few AIMMS highlights throughout 2024. Each team will have a couple of minutes to present their work.
Parallel Workshop: Organ on a chip in drug discovery
How can VU, AUMC and UT make a difference? Rob Leurs, Bas Teusink and Anja Wilmes will lead breakout groups to brainstorm about opportunities.
Parallel Workshop: Introduction to AI-assisted patterns and identification of molecules
An interactive session where Greg Stephens (VU, LaserLaB - Molecular Biophysics), will inspire for the first 15 minutes and followed by 15 minutes of applied data generation across use cases followed by 30 minutes of crowd Q&A moderated by Frank Bruggeman (AIMMS, SysBio)
Parallel Workshop: Partnering & navigating the funding landscape
A look at the current funding situation and an overview of upcoming opportunities. Purpose: To inform and inspire action Hosted by: Paul de Vries (VU IXA-GO), BiotechBooster, Holomicrobiome
Lunch + Promega Pitch + Poster Review
Enjoy some food, explore the PhD posters and visit the Promega booth to learn more about what they offer. Promega will be giving short pitches so grab a headset and listen!
Keynotes: 1) Emerging risks, the role of BuRO at the NVWA, 2) PFAS: highlighting the need for innovation in management of man-made substances
Keynotes Dick Sijm (NVWA) will give the talk about Emerging risks, the role of BuRO at the NVWA Arjen Wintersen (RIVM) will speak about PFAS: highlighting the need for innovation in management of man-made substances. Followed by an audience Q&A lead by Majorie van Duursen (AIMMS, EnvironHealth & Tox)
Use of AI in drug development
Keynote presented by Marwin Segler, (Microsoft)
Coffee Break
Parallel workshop: Alphafold tutorial plus live experiments
After a short introduction to Alphafold followed by live experiments in the room, led by Halima Mouhib, Sven Hennig, Gustavo Jeuken and David Poole.
Parallel workshop: Mass spec identification challenges
Purpose is to brainstorm to identify challenges and opportunities (led by Kevin Jooss)
Parallel Workshop: How to pitch your research? Come find out
Interested to learn tips and tricks to make an effective pitch presentation? This session by Bas Teusink is for you. From quick tutorials to you creating your own pitch, you'll leave the room with new tools to inspire confidence.
VU-UT Molecules for Society Challenge Final Pitches
The VU-UT finalists for the Molecules for Society Challenge will pitch their final ideas to an expert jury consisting of Deloitte, IXA-GO and AIMMS.
Day 1 Closing and Evening Program Overview
Drinks, Snacks, Posters and Music Experiments
After a productive day, it's time to relax. Explore more posters, catch up with a friend or step into the Atriumzaal to experiment with the combination of music and science. Music Lab hosts will show you what to do.
Dinner and Entertainment
Head back upstairs for some food and live entertainment some of the AIMMS colleagues performing the hits with his band.
Wake-up coffee
Enjoy a warm cup of coffee before the day begins
Panel Discussion: Innovation drivers for academic+industry collaboration: talent, ideas, breakthroughs
Why does industry collaborate with academia? There are a few compelling reasons. Hear Tess Korthout (Johnson & Johnson Innovation Center) give her perspective, followed by a panel discussion including Marian Geluk (Next Food Collective), Davide Iannuzzi (VU Amsterdam Chief Impact Officer) and moderated by Paul Nederkoorn (VU-UT)
AIMMS in the elevator: Poster pitches
Speed pitching! Can you get your idea across in the time it takes to ride up or down in an elevator? Hear a few selected PhDs pitch us their research overview.
Coffee Break
Keynote: Therapeutic Oligonucleotides: Opportunities and Analytical Challenges
Hear Paul Ferguson (AstraZeneca) talk about their approach.
Parallel Workshop: Toxicological challenges in the protein transition
Herwig Bachmann together with he Next Food Collective moderates this session to think about new opportunities for collaborative research on current challenges in the food transition, with expert guests Frederic Been (Effect-directed analysis, or EDA) and Samantha Hughes (Using C. elegans to decode the nutritional benefits of food).
Parallel workshop: Navigating the entrepreneurship ecosystem in The Netherlands
Eva Moreno Iglesias (IXA-GO VU) talks with panellists Saskia Neubacher (CEO Incircular BV), Stefan Ellenbroek (Unlock, Biotech Booster), Martin Holub (Nucleate) and Linze Rijswijk (RomInWest).
Parallel Workshop: How to do science with impact
Lars Mulder (Deloitte) will talk about how they can help position research to generate the most impact. This is crucial when applying for funding.
Lunch + Poster Viewing
Parallel Workshop: Patents and IP: Tips and tricks to securing your ideas
Tips and tricks to securing your ideas. Insights prvided by Jan van de Loosdrecht (IXA-GO) and Wouter Mooij (De Vries & Metman Patent office).
Parallel workshop: NAMs in drug discovery and toxicology? How to make a difference?
Here we will discuss how we use non animal approaches (or new approach methodologies, NAMs) to accelerate the development of safer chemicals for both humans and environment. This will be a discussion based workshop, so bring your thoughts and ideas and ears. Moderated by Paul Jennings (AIMMS VU), co-chaired by Samantha Hughes (AIMMS VU) and Lisa Baumann (AIMMS VU)
Parallel workshop: PhD empowerment: how to increase control over your PhD and scientific career
In this interactive workshop, Claudius van de Vijver, Head of the PhD programme of the national Graduate School PE&RC, will work with you on empowering your PhD, become more assertive, visible and in control.
Keynote: From industry to academia: Top lessons I've learned
Coffee break
Keynote: Challenges in Health & Food at DSM-Firmenich
By Marco van den Berg (DSM-Firmenich)